If I Lived Among the Stars (by Olivia)

 If I lived among the stars,

What a wonderfully vibrant life I would lead,

Amidst the ethereal singing choir of the planets from afar,

My sighs intermingle in harmony, my mind wandering upon the luminescent dream.

If I lived among the stars, 

I could twirl alongside the numerous constellations,

Off and beyond towards the endless warmth of Mars,

While the astounding world of infinity amazes with brilliant fascination.

If I lived among the stars,

I'd place my weary form upon the seemingly weightless clouds,

Observing the traces of stardust as they gather miles apart,

Dispersed along the Milky Way in a radiant, magnificent crowd.

If I lived among the stars,

What complete and utter peace my soul would perceive,

With the many lovely asteroids and shooting comets from afar,

I could never find a reason within to ever dare to leave.

Forever I would dance if I lived among the stars...

And home it would always be.


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