What Life Is Like

What Life Is Like
By Mark Tarver
Life is like a game
With levels and stages
But through the game
Is so many phases
Life is like a fire
Only more is added to the flame
But not for long will it burn
For it will die out when tamed
Life is like a book
So many pages
But a story ends eventually
And so its ink fades
Life is like a flower
Blooming so, so tall
But soon will droop
And petals will start to fall
Life starts out little
But soon grows up
If not careful, it’ll disappear
Like a Dad drinking coffee from a cup
Life can tire
And it can painfully bash
A little fire
Could cloud you sight with ash
Life is a chain
Of overlapping people
It could be like a movie, with pain
Or a good one followed by a secret
Life is a pencil
It becomes sharp
Then becomes dull
And shortens to a stop
Life is you
Life is me
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