Gotta Catch 'Em All - Teaser

Ash walked up with his Pokeball in hand. It was clear for what he had planned to do.

He walked towards the Command Center and watched the Power Rangers come back from battle.
"All in a hard days work!" Jason, the Red Ranger, said. The others murmured in agreement, but Ash was focused on the one with the easiest power to channel into evil energy himself, and then leaped.
Ash had surprised them all, and he aimed for the Tommy, the Green Ranger.
Well, he captured a ranger. But not the right one. Zack, the Black Ranger, had kept in the way. And now, the remaining rangers grabbed their blade blasters out and aimed at him. "Power blast!"
Blam! Blow! Explosions!
But Ash had already teleported away.


He stared at his be current collection: Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls, Danny Phantom from Danny Phantom, and Miles Morales, Spider-Man from an alternative dimension. And now, the newly captured Black Ranger. He looked at the remainder of his list.
"Gotta Catch 'Em All." And with that, he moved onto his next target.


Thanks everyone who has been waiting for this story....due to me posting the story announcement yesterday! :P
So, I don't have a set schedule YET, but it will happen eventually! That way you know when I'll post! I'm also open to suggestions, so don't be afraid to ask anything!


  1. "So...Ash is the bad guy?"
    -Improvised Quote from The Lego Movie

    (Original Quote: "So...President Business is the bad guy?")

    1. Yep. And I did my research for these franchise's before hand so I knew what I was typing. :P

    2. Hey, could ye let people know about this post? I don't think my blog peeps are aware.

    3. Remind me tomorrow, and I'll put it up on my Updates post


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