Gotta Catch 'Em All - Prologue

Ash sat in his thinking chair, very confused on why Squad #2 hasn't  made any contact in the past hour.

   "Let's use the map." He tried tracking then once again, but no luck. "I guess sending a squad to capture Batman was a bad idea. Right, Pikachu?"
   "Pika-pika!" The shocking little creature came up to his lap, laying down for some rest. Then, a portal opened up.
  No Batman was captured, and the squad looked pretty bad. Danny Phantom had been injured in the leg, Buttercup looking like she was thrown through a couple of walls. And Frozone couldn't even be described. But, they did come back with 1 person: Alfred.
   "Unhand me you uncultured swine's!" he exclaimed as they took him to his tube right in between Arnold (Hey Arnold!) and Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents).
   "Sorry Alfred ,voice but..." - his voice went back to normal instead of dark - "...Gotta Catch Em All!"


  1. "I'm Batman!" -Batman

    Smart choice including him! :D

    Stupid idea on Ash's part for trying to capture


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