Gotta Catch 'Em All Part 4 - THE Start of the Showdown

Gotta Catch 'Em All

Part 4

THE Start the Showdown

"We knew WE had a few different universes, but this is new! Like, HOW did this happen? We need Intel!" Kimberly, the Pink Ranger, could not keep her thoughts in her head, as it was too much to grasp on! Luckily, Spider-Man already had experience with said travel.
"You are just part of the Multi-Verse, like everyone else! And now that I have the proper tracking tools, I can officially find out where Miles is!" He stared at his device for a few good seconds. "The heck? He's in Earth 1203!"
"The source." James stood up. "Ight everyone, gather everyone that is good for universal travel and meet back here in 1 hour."
Ash came back to his current captured. "No Zack was found. So...which universe should I go to capture more people?"
"How about NO!" Buttercup screeched.
"Your universe first? Good choice!"
All of a sudden, everything just BLEW!
"Here I am!" Zack yelled...all by himself? Not a good plan.
"Not a good plan." Ash told him. Hey, that's what I thought!
All of a sudden, guards ran up to him and tried to blast him.
And that's when Spider-Man swung in, kicking them all down. Spider-Man 2099 webbed them up, and then BATMAN just drops down, and Ash realized a whole SQUAD was there!
"Stand down! I HAVE MEWTWO!" Mewtwo sprung out of the ball, as powerful as ever.
"We have a Hulk." Iron Man confirmed, with Hulk right behind him, roaring with rage.
Ash pulled out the Pokeballs that would grab people out that were captured. But, he noticed they were...dull. He quickly check the containment tubes!
And they were a broken.
"This ends..." James started
"...NOW!" Jessie finished.
"Oboy." Ash worried.


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