
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Blog Wars: The Tech Strikes Back

So, heads up, PoetofSteel's computer is refusing to turn on. I guess it thinks it's not a servant of mankind, which is rather unfortunate (since it definitely is), but that means PoetofSteel hasn't exactly been active here. Google's deletion of PoetofSteel's original blog was "The Blog Wars: A New Blog", this current problem is "The Blog Wars: The Tech Strikes Back". Stay tuned for "The Blog Wars: Return of the PoetofSteel"!

Fun Poll Closed...And Opened Again!

Fun Poll is now closed! And now open again! Thank you for those who participated in the first one! The results: Mad Libs: 25% Epic Poem Battle: 25% Interactive Story: 25% Other: All the Above: 25% Short Story Brawl and Mad Libs – Competition Edition: 0% This means that now I now have made a new poll with 3 choices, but you select 2 and see what happens! Sorry about the All the Above, but these all should be done eventually! If not, please contact me so I can make this blog MORE FUN! Note that this will be open for a limited time, so get responses in! Maybe 2-ish days. It depends. ANYWAYS, enjoy!

The Stage

The Stage By Mark Tarver The lights close in, I’m shaking a lot But I can’t stop the thought If I mess up, I can’t go back But if I do go back, I’ll be done, that’s a fact! So, I took a step, going on the stage I realized, why be afraid? I watched the crowd all waiting I let my light glow, and didn’t let it continue fading I decided not to be afraid Today was going to be my day! So I stepped into the light And to my surprise, my talents were a delight!

Writing A Book

Writing a Book By Mark Tarver Get a pen start with ink Let those words so deep they sink Close your eyes think of your life Change it up with story details like a foods spice Unique words come to mind See what’s in store and hidden inside You have the potential to write your imagination Because you could end up being a sensation Add a plot! Make note jots! Think of your characters What ends up preferred You need a great hook! That’s a book! You get it now? Are you down?

Feeling Lost

Feeling Lost By Mark Tarver Every time I see you I smile uncontrollably And I know it’s not just me Going overboard and crazy When you enter a room It lights up, and everyone stares If they weren’t present They couldn’t understand or compare But when you aren’t in my life I don’t smile And I miss the rooms glow After a while Nothing seems right when you You aren’t here And the skies turn cloudy And unclear Without you My life is tossed Without you I’m feeling lost

Butterfly Haiku

The Butterfly Haiku By Mark Tarver The Butterfly flies Soaring high into the sky Reaching dreams Winter snow crisp, fresh The air freshening up cleanly A new day I normally don’t write haikus, as they have a lot of restrictions on them. As you may be able to tell from previous posts, I am more of a free writer than a restricted one. Hope you still enjoyed! If you want (so not forced), there is a fun poll. Participation is greatly appreciated!

Fun Poll

Fun Poll! To spice things up, I have made a poll for everyone to decide the blogs recent activity! Until then, I probably won’t upload much. Poll here:

The Baby - A Short Story

The Baby – A Short Story By Mark Tarver “WHAAA!” Shelly cried, and Mom had to get her milk formula for her to stop. “Glap-hee-hoo.” she prattled, sucking hard on the bottle. It’s been 6 months with the baby, and I’m still not used to her being here. The worst part was probably that I had to babysit her. Wait, the second worst part. The absolute WORST part is that she IS cute. “Remember, Amber, the instructions are on the fridge, and Shelly’s food is in the fridge!” They were off within seconds. I glanced at Shelly. She stuck her tongue out at me. Then she continued to suck her milk. “Whatever.” I grabbed my phone, flopped on the couch, and started texting my friends for about 10 minutes before I head a crash. I jumped out of my seat and almost hit the ceiling. Shelly just tipped over her cup. “Hey, watch it!” I said. I placed the cup on the counter, and the baby started crying. I sighed and gave it to her. “Ok, you happy?” She just started sucking again. “NO WAY!” I jump...

A World Without Humans

A World Without Humans By Mark Tarver Peace Countless majestic animals, running free in the wild Their spirits lifted by the removal of harm Maneuvering with elegance and natural beauty And nothing to get in their way Humans Oh the humans Tearing up the terrain with giant yellow monsters The emissions of adulteration filling up the air Tearing up tress out of their rightful home Adding unneeded factories for our benefits And adding defilement to the world If only thus would not harm thou Stop this madness Stop it before it’s too late

Writers Block

Writers Block By Mark Tarver When there is nothing to write No ideas in sight Don’t know what to do So I look for a clue A hint? A story? Something I haven’t noticed? I have no ideas on my thinking list. Stuck here with nothing write Wow, my “talent” really bites So, nothing to think of All because I have nothing to say, no words to talk I think I have writers block To submit your own work:


Happy By Mark Tarver The time is near For you all to cheer So do your best Put your skills to the test Get all that stress off your chest Writers block got you down And you feel like a clown So make your stance And you take a chance To be happy and dance Life has you feeling down Take a big look around The only people living with you Are the one’s you can go to To submit your own work:

The Lawn - A Short Story

The Lawn By Mark Tarver “Don’t go on his lawn!” Kate shouted, as I halted to a stop. My favorite soccer ball, with white parts replaced with gray and black parts replaced blue, landed on Mr. Cropper’s lawn, the WORST neighbor ever. “That chump? Please, I’m not afraid of him!” But the truth was that I had slight discomfort with this. He always takes kids toys and never gives them back. Timothy’s trike, Sarah’s football, Jack’s Nerf Laser Ops Pro – any toy, gone. And, yes, he’s a stereotyped neighbor who is rude. And the elderly has an excuse because somethings in the modern age SUCK! But he’s only in his 30’s. And the CREPPY house. It’s an olive green with a red-brown mixed trim, and 2 stories of fear, like 1 wasn’t enough. Also, a tiny statue on the top of his triangle roof of a screaming man holding a “RUN… WHILE YOU CAN!” sign doesn’t help either. OF COURSE, he doesn’t have a drive way, so I can’t hide behind his car for cover. But this soccer ball was a present from my ...


Famous! By Mark Tarver The lights! The camera! AHH, the scene! Someone wants an auto graph But too many flashes of it all And I can’t see the car So I quickly escape the ball I love the fans, really, I do But they seem like too much Too many of them here Can do damage as such Scream fans leaves ringing in the ears So much yelling people hard, generating tears I can’t focus, so many record deals Too much film rights; low lives using me as fame appeal I want to be known, but not this much Take a famous poet or something as such All this stuff, too much to my eye I never wanted to be a Jacksepticeye I must stop this, but a tiny girl wants to see me She wants an autograph and does a squeal I guess this isn’t so bad for this in my hands So I sign the picture, and leave a bright smile for the fans To submit your own work:

What Life Is Like

What Life Is Like By Mark Tarver Life is like a game With levels and stages But through the game Is so many phases Life is like a fire Only more is added to the flame But not for long will it burn For it will die out when tamed Life is like a book So many pages But a story ends eventually And so its ink fades Life is like a flower Blooming so, so tall But soon will droop And petals will start to fall Life starts out little But soon grows up If not careful, it’ll disappear Like a Dad drinking coffee from a cup Life can tire And it can painfully bash A little fire Could cloud you sight with ash Life is a chain Of overlapping people It could be like a movie, with pain Or a good one followed by a secret Life is a pencil It becomes sharp Then becomes dull And shortens to a stop Life is you Life is me Join too And you can truly see! To submit your own work:

Chains and Cages By Mark Borne

Chains and Cages By Mark Borne Chains and Cages weigh us down, Yet deep inside, we hold the key. Look around, and you will see, The endless state of mystery.   We writhe and scream, And want to be free. But look around, at what you see, For all around, is mystery. When you see, and see you will, The key is there to be free. And fly we will, and meet the sky, And know no more, the mystery. - Note that that the paragraphs were made like this using the punctuation, I didn’t know how to format it. If Mr. Borne needs it fixed, lemma know in the comments! - To submit a poem: Born Nexus:

The Birth of a Poem

The Birth of a Poem By ThePoetOfSteel Starting as an idea then coming to life The birth of a poem is very precise Once was empty, dim and pallid Words are vegetables in its own salad Phrases are used everywhere Popping out, here and there Phrases setting out different tones Some delighting the reader others chilling the bones It is like playing a game for the first time Before it was known, once was a surprise These stories with rhythm and beat Once you to read and take your seat So, when a new poem is ready Open the story and take it steady Cause these don’t approach all the time That’s why it has this intriguing rhyme To submit a poem:

Show Who You Are

Show Who You Are! By ThePoetOfSteel Don’t be afraid to be you They just can’t see talent that’s true If anything, it’s their problem About who they can’t stop being solemn All the people who make fun of you Try to point only bad things, and there not true So show them what you got You will never want to stop So, show others what you do Don’t let them stomp on you Don’t be afraid to go all this way To show your talents today! They want to pick on the “weak” But they are short of luck, style, and need tweaks And they also need a non-bully job Because they can act like a big snob Want to submit a poem? Submit here!

Pre-Made Stuff

Pre-Made Stuff For the next few days, most of my posts will be pre-made posts! Yay! NO WAITING!