World of My Own (by Olivia)

Stuck in a world completely of my own,

None of which touches the eyes of this world,

Longing to explain, though nothing quite leaves my lips,

Wishing for an answer from the ghost of a question.

The world I live, it is quite open and free,

Filled with a beautiful tint of color and mystery,

Love for the galaxies and admiration of the moon,

Singing for the glory of the unknown in all forms.

I dance, I laugh, I love, I feel,

I allow myself to ponder our earthly home in sight,

Unable to quite express how lovely it would be,

To know deep within my heart of the riddle we call life.

The secrets, the answers, the unnamed phenomena, 

Of the place we are only to understand through a mind of limits,

Breaking through the seams of the core of this planet,

Though, indeed, there is so much more we must know of the deep.

Tell me, will we ever truly know,

Of the enigma we call living in this world?

Of the beauty and grace of the universe out of reach,

Of the curiosity and wonder of our colorful land of love?

If we ever were to know… what could possibly come to be?


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